Articles & Podcast Episodes

The Magnitude of the Kids’ and Teens’ Mental Health Crisis

Listen to this episode on your favorite player… Episode Description In this second episode of the MindWhale podcast, Nicholas Hundley, a psychiatric mental health nurse, discusses the growing mental health crisis among kids and teens. He covers the alarming statistics of increased rates of anxiety, depression, autism, ADHD, suicide, and substance abuse. He also shares … Read more

The Biological Roots of Aggression in Kids and Teens

Listen to this episode on your favorite player… Episode Description In this MindWhale Podcast episode, host Nicholas Hundley delves into the topic of aggression in kids and teens from a biological perspective. The discussion covers the various forms of aggression, both physical and non-physical, and its psychological impacts. Aggression is linked to several psychological conditions … Read more

Cerebral Folate Deficiency

Cerebral folate deficiency (CFD) results from inadequate folate transport across the blood-brain barrier and is associated with various folate-deficiency pathologies. Cerebral folate deficiency is believed to be most often caused by folate-receptor-alpha blocking and binding autoantibodies that block folate receptor alpha. Incidence of folate receptor antibodies is increased in some people with autism spectrum disorder … Read more

Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a diagnostic label given by a qualified healthcare professional when an individual has a certain group of symptoms consistent with the accepted criteria for diagnosing schizophrenia. The Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, is the most commonly referenced source for diagnostic criteria. Schizophrenia manifests in both … Read more

Food Sources and Absorbability of Active Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a crucial nutrient for metabolic functioning, and low levels are associated with a vast array of health problems from heart disease and diabetes to depression and dementia, due to the buildup of homocysteine and inability to perform important methylation reactions in the body. The classic results of B12 deficiency are megaloblastic … Read more

Does Meat Avoidance During Pregnancy Contribute to ADHD in Children?

For baby’s lifelong health and happiness, women of childbearing years should eat quality, clean meat and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, choline, heme iron, B12, cholesterol, and zinc. The primary cause of ADHD is inadequate neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that orchestrates and consciously … Read more

Does Radiation (EMF & RF) from Modern Gadgets Contribute to ADHD?

Can reducing exposure to radiation from modern gadgets improve ADHD symptoms? As a parent of four kids, I’m always concerned about their health and happiness. I feel I’m always on duty encouraging (and often requiring) they take care of themselves through good nutrition, physical activity, and healthy leisure time. At the same time, parenting can … Read more

The Core Issue in ADHD

If a person has ADHD, he or she may lament their “inability” to focus. Focus is the ability to place your brain’s processing on a desired topic, thought, or activity. The attention of some with ADHD may bounce around like a butterfly to various internal thoughts or emotions or any external people or objects. This … Read more

The Definitions of ADD and ADHD

Historically, the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), written by the American Psychiatric Association has been the authority on defining mental and emotional disorders in the United States. According to the DSM, ADHD comes in two predominant forms: inattentive type ADHD and hyperactive type ADHD. People can also have a combination of the two. Inattentive ADHD … Read more

Lithium May Affect Thyroid Function Through inhibiting Tyrosine Utilization

Lithium is an essential nutrient and important in brain health. It has been shown to decrease stress reactivity, improve GABA function, and help with bipolar disorder and other forms of depression. Unfortunately, pharmacological doses (300mg+) of lithium carbonate have been shown, in some people, to interfere with the production of another essential factor in mood and … Read more